NEWS: Launch of PragmaticChange
I am pleased to announce news of a new venture I have co-founded, called PragmaticChange. PragmaticChange is a collaboration of independent and established consulting professionals across the UK, Ireland and Channel Islands. We are currently eight members, but are looking to grow over the coming months. We believe that by working together to combine our talents and […]
Document management & workflow
Before reading any further, please consider the two questions below: Do you use, or considering to use, an electronic document or content management system (often known as EDM, DMS or ECM)? Do you use, or considering to use, any form of workflow or business process management (BPM) software? If you have answered ‘No’ to both questions then […]
NEWS: Jobstream Group announces partnership with BDO Solutions in Mauritius
Over the last few months I have been working with one of my clients, Jobstream Group, to develop a partnership in Mauritius. Jobstream Group are a UK based software company specialising in the offshore financial services sector, particularly trust administration and corporate services providers. I recognised an opportunity for Jobstream in Mauritius and over the last 6 months […]
The Importance of Communication During Change
I have written before about communication (click here), where I stated the importance of adapting your message to suit your audience, i.e. communicating the right message, to the right people, at the right time. In this post I am focusing on the effectiveness of your communication and providing some techniques for improvement. How we listen […]
Do you Worry About Things you Can’t Influence?
In 1989 Stephen Covey published his successful book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. In this book he introduced the concepts of ‘circles of concern and influence’, using a diagram similar to that below. Covey’s premise was that we spend a lot of time and energy focusing on things that concern us but we have […]
What Could you do with a 40% Increase in Efficiency?
Solitaire Consulting is delighted to have been asked, once again, by Manx Business Solutions to speak at one of their technology seminars. This time the event is being held at the Sefton Hotel, in the Isle of Man on Thursday 19th March 2015. Following their recent award for technology solutions that enabled clients achieve a 40% increase in […]
Fix the Root Cause not the Symptoms!
I spend a lot of my time in a wide range of businesses helping them to identify and implement measures to improve performance. These types of assignment generally start with a review of the current state of affairs (the ‘as-is’ situation). Whether I am working with operational processes, technology, organisational structure or governance, a consistent theme is that the […]
Case Study: Law Firm Preparing for High Growth
The Client A law firm specialising in intellectual property within emerging markets. They have a global client base of high profile bluechip companies. The firm has approximately 400 staff with offices throughout Africa. The Problem Following some changes within the Senior Management Team, including the appointment of a new Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, […]
Christmas Greetings from Solitaire Consulting
It has been an active year for Solitaire Consulting and we’ve been lucky to work with some fantastic people. In addition to our core work of helping clients deliver change, our focus this year has been on collaboration and partnerships. The successful partnerships with MBS Business Solutions and Jobstream Group are delivering value to our clients, based on our […]
Effective Use of Technology Seminar 2014
Last week I presented at two business seminars in the Channel Islands, hosted by MBS Business Solutions. The focus of the presentations was on how technology, in particular Document Management, can help solve the key problems being faced by businesses in 2014. A copy of my presentation is available for download, by clicking the link […]